Configurable Filesystem layout for Machine Allocation

The current implementation uses a hard coded filesystem layout depending on the specified size and image. This is done in the metal-hammer. This worked well in the past because we had a small amount of sizes and images. But we reached a point where this is to restricted for all use cases we have to fulfill. It also forces us to modify the metal-hammer source code to support a new filesystem layout.

This proposal tries to address this issue by introducing a filesystem layout struct in the metal-api which is then configurable per machine allocation. The original behavior of automatic filesystem layout decision must still be present, because there must be no API change for existing API consumers. It should be a additional feature during machine allocation.

API and behavior

The API will get a new endpoint filesystemlayoutsto create/update/delete a set of available filesystemlayouts.


In order to keep the actual machine allocation api compatible, there must be no difference while allocating a machine. To achieve this every filesystemlayout defines constraints which specifies for which combination of sizes and images this layout should be used by default. The specified constraints over all filesystemlayouts therefore must be collision free, to be more specific, there must be exactly one layout outcome for every possible combination of sizes and images.

The size constraint must be a list of the exact size ids, the image constraint must be a map of os to semver compatible version constraint. For example:

  • debian: ">= 10.20210101" or debian: "< 10.20210101"

The general form of a image constraint is a map from os to versionconstraint where:

os must match the first part of the image without the version. versionconstraint must be the comparator, a space and the version, or simply * to match all versions of this os. The comparator must be one of: "=", "!=", ">", "<", ">=", "=>", "<=", "=<", "~", "~>", "^"

It must also be possible to have a filesystemlayout in development or for other special purposes, which can be specified during the machine allocation. To have such a layout, both constraints sizes and imagesmust be empty list.


The current reinstall implementation the metal-hammer detects during the installation on which disk the OS was installed and reports back to the metal-api the Report struct which has two properties primarydisk and ospartition. Both fields are not required anymore because the logic is now shifted to the filesystemlayout definition. If Disk.WipeOnReinstall is set to true, this disk will be wiped, default is false and is preserved.

Handling of s2-xlarge machines

These machines are a bit special compared to our c1-* machines because they have rotating hard disks for the mass storage purpose. The downside is that the on board SATA-DOM has the same naming as the HDDs and can not be specified as the first /dev/sda disk because all HDDs are also /dev/sd* disks. Therefore we had a special SATA-DOM detection algorithm inside metal-hammer which simply checks for the smallest /dev/sd disk and took this to install the OS.

This is not possible with the current approach, but we figured out that the SATA-DOM is always /dev/sde. So we can create a special filesystemlayout where the installations is made on this disk.

Possible Filesystemlayout hierarchies

It is only possible to create a filesystem on top of a block device. The creation of a block device can be done on multiple ways, depending on the requirements regarding performance, space and redundancy of the filesystem. It also depends on the disks available on the server.

The current approach implements the following hierarchies:



// FilesystemLayout to be created on the given machine
type FilesystemLayout struct {
  // ID unique layout identifier
  ID          string
  // Description is human readable
  Description string
  // Filesystems to create on the server
  Filesystems []Filesystem
  // Disks to configure in the server with their partitions
  Disks       []Disk
  // Raid if not empty, create raid arrays out of the individual disks, to place filesystems onto
  Raid        []Raid
  // VolumeGroups to create
  VolumeGroups []VolumeGroup
  // LogicalVolumes to create on top of VolumeGroups
  LogicalVolumes []LogicalVolume
  // Constraints which must match to select this Layout
  Constraints FilesystemLayoutConstraints

type FilesystemLayoutConstraints struct {
  // Sizes defines the list of sizes this layout applies to
  Sizes []string
  // Images defines a map from os to versionconstraint
  // the combination of os and versionconstraint per size must be conflict free over all filesystemlayouts
  Images map[string]string

type RaidLevel string
type Format string
type GPTType string

// Filesystem defines a single filesystem to be mounted
type Filesystem struct {
  // Path defines the mountpoint, if nil, it will not be mounted
  Path           *string
  // Device where the filesystem is created on, must be the full device path seen by the OS
  Device         string
  // Format is the type of filesystem should be created
  Format         Format
  // Label is optional enhances readability
  Label          *string
  // MountOptions which might be required
  MountOptions   []string
  // CreateOptions during filesystem creation
  CreateOptions  []string

// Disk represents a single block device visible from the OS, required
type Disk struct {
  // Device is the full device path
  Device          string
  // Partitions to create on this device
  Partitions      []Partition
  // WipeOnReinstall, if set to true the whole disk will be erased if reinstall happens
  // during fresh install all disks are wiped
  WipeOnReinstall bool

// Raid is optional, if given the devices must match.
// TODO inherit GPTType from underlay device ?
type Raid struct {
  // ArryName of the raid device, most often this will be /dev/md0 and so forth
  ArryName    string
  // Devices the devices to form a raid device
  Devices []Device
  // Level the raidlevel to use, can be one of 0,1,5,10 
  // TODO what should be support
  Level   RaidLevel
  // CreateOptions required during raid creation, example: --metadata=1.0 for uefi boot partition
  CreateOptions []string
  // Spares defaults to 0
  Spares  int

// VolumeGroup is optional, if given the devices must match.
type VolumeGroup struct {
  // Name of the volumegroup without the /dev prefix
  Name string
  // Devices the devices to form a volumegroup device
  Devices []string
  // Tags to attach to the volumegroup
  Tags []string

// LogicalVolume is a block devices created with lvm on top of a volumegroup
type LogicalVolume struct {
  // Name the name of the logical volume, without /dev prefix, will be accessible at /dev/vgname/lvname
  Name string
  // VolumeGroup the name of the volumegroup
  VolumeGroup string
  // Size of this LV in mebibytes (MiB)
  Size uint64
  // LVMType can be either striped or raid1
  LVMType LVMType

// Partition is a single partition on a device, only GPT partition types are supported
type Partition struct {
  // Number of this partition, will be added to the device once partitioned
  Number    int
  // Label to enhance readability
  Label     *string
  // Size given in MebiBytes (MiB)
  // if "0" is given the rest of the device will be used, this requires Number to be the highest in this partition
  Size      string
  // GPTType defines the GPT partition type
  GPTType   *GPTType

const (
  // VFAT is used for the UEFI boot partition
  VFAT = Format("vfat")
  // EXT3 is usually only used for /boot
  EXT3 = Format("ext3")
  // EXT4 is the default fs
  EXT4 = Format("ext4")
  // SWAP is for the swap partition
  SWAP = Format("swap")
  // None
  NONE = Format("none")

  // GPTBoot EFI Boot Partition
  GPTBoot = GPTType("ef00")
  // GPTLinux Linux Partition
  GPTLinux = GPTType("8300")
  // GPTLinuxRaid Linux Raid Partition
  GPTLinuxRaid = GPTType("fd00")
  // GPTLinux Linux Partition
  GPTLinuxLVM = GPTType("8e00")

  // LVMTypeLinear append across all physical volumes
  LVMTypeLinear = LVMType("linear")
  // LVMTypeStriped stripe across all physical volumes
  LVMTypeStriped = LVMType("striped")
  // LVMTypeStripe mirror with raid across all physical volumes
  LVMTypeRaid1 = LVMType("raid1")

Example metalctl outputs:

$ metalctl filesystemlayouts ls
ID             DESCRIPTION         SIZES                         IMAGES
default        default fs layout   c1-large-x86, c1-xlarge-x86   debian >=10, ubuntu >=20.04, centos >=7
ceph           fs layout for ceph  s2-large-x86, s2-xlarge-x86   debian >=10, ubuntu >=20.04
firewall       firewall fs layout  c1-large-x86, c1-xlarge-x86   firewall >=2
storage        storage fs layout   s3-large-x86                  centos >=7
s3             storage fs layout   s2-xlarge-x86                 debian >=10, ubuntu >=20.04, >=firewall-2
default-devel  devel fs layout 

The default layout reflects what is actually implemented in metal-hammer to guarantee backward compatibility.

id: default
    - c1-large-x86
    - c1-xlarge-x86
    debian: ">=10"
    ubuntu: ">=20.04"
    centos: ">=7"
  - path: "/boot/efi"
    device: "/dev/sda1"
    format: "vfat"
    options: "-F 32"
    label: "efi" # required to be compatible with old images
  - path: "/"
    device: "/dev/sda2"
    format: "ext4"
    label: "root" # required to be compatible with old images
  - path: "/var/lib"
    device: "/dev/sda3"
    format: "ext4"
    label: "varlib" # required to be compatible with old images
  - path: "/tmp"
    device: "tmpfs"
    format: "tmpfs"
    mountoptions: ["defaults","noatime","nosuid","nodev","noexec","mode=1777","size=512M"]
  - device: "/dev/sda"
    wipe: true
      - number: 1
        label: "efi"
        size: 500
        type: GPTBoot
      - number: 2
        label: "root"
        size: 5000
        type: GPTLinux
      - number: 3
        label: "varlib"
        size: 0 # to end of partition
        type: GPTLinux

The firewall layout reuses the built in nvme disk to store the logs, which is way faster and larger than what the sata-dom ssd provides.

id: firewall
    - c1-large-x86
    - c1-xlarge-x86
    firewall: ">=2"
  - path: "/boot/efi"
    device: "/dev/sda1"
    format: "vfat"
    options: "-F 32"
  - path: "/"
    device: "/dev/sda2"
    format: "ext4"
  - path: "/var"
    device: "/dev/nvme0n1p1"
    format: "ext4"
  - device: "/dev/sda"
    wipe: true
      - number: 1
        label: "efi"
        size: 500
        type: GPTBoot
      - number: 2
        label: "root"
        size: 5000
        type: GPTLinux
  - device: "/dev/nvme0n1"
    wipe: true
      - number: 1
        label: "var"
        size: 0
        type: GPTLinux

The storage layout will be used for the storage servers, which must have mirrored boot disks.

id: storage
    - s3-large-x86
    centos: ">=7"
  - path: "/boot/efi"
    device: "/dev/md1"
    format: "vfat"
    options: "-F32"
  - path: "/"
    device: "/dev/md2"
    format: "ext4"
  - device: "/dev/sda"
    wipe: true
      - number: 1
        label: "efi"
        size: 500
        type: GPTLinuxRaid
      - number: 2
        label: "root"
        size: 5000
        type: GPTLinuxRaid
  - device: "/dev/sdb"
    wipe: true
      - number: 1
        label: "efi"
        size: 500
        type: GPTLinuxRaid
      - number: 2
        label: "root"
        size: 5000
        type: GPTLinuxRaid
  - name: "/dev/md1"
    level: 1
      - "/dev/sda1"
      - "/dev/sdb1"
    options: "--metadata=1.0"
  - name: "/dev/md2"
    level: 1
      - "/dev/sda2"
      - "/dev/sdb2"
    options: "--metadata=1.0"

The s3-storage layout matches the special situation on the s2-xlarge machines.

id: s3-storage
    - c1-large-x86
    - s2-xlarge-x86
    debian: ">=10"
    ubuntu: ">=20.04"
    centos: ">=7"
  - path: "/boot/efi"
    device: "/dev/sde1"
    format: "vfat"
    options: "-F 32"
  - path: "/"
    device: "/dev/sde2"
    format: "ext4"
  - path: "/var/lib"
    device: "/dev/sde3"
    format: "ext4"
  - device: "/dev/sde"
    wipe: true
      - number: 1
        label: "efi"
        size: 500
        type: GPTBoot
      - number: 2
        label: "root"
        size: 5000
        type: GPTLinux
      - number: 3
        label: "varlib"
        size: 0 # to end of partition
        type: GPTLinux

A sample lvm layout which puts /var/lib as stripe on the nvme device

id: lvm
description: "lvm layout"
    - s2-xlarge-x86
    debian: ">=10"
    ubuntu: ">=20.04"
    centos: ">=7"
  - path: "/boot/efi"
    device: "/dev/sda1"
    format: "vfat"
      - "-F 32"
    label: "efi"
  - path: "/"
    device: "/dev/sda2"
    format: "ext4"
    label: "root"
  - path: "/var/lib"
    device: "/dev/vg00/varlib"
    format: "ext4"
    label: "varlib"
  - path: "/tmp"
    device: "tmpfs"
    format: "tmpfs"
    mountoptions: ["defaults","noatime","nosuid","nodev","noexec","mode=1777","size=512M"]
  - name: "vg00"
      - "/dev/nvmne0n1"
      - "/dev/nvmne0n2"
  - name: "varlib"
    volumegroup: "vg00"
    size: 200
    lvmtype: "striped"
  - device: "/dev/sda"
    wipeonreinstall: true
      - number: 1
        label: "efi"
        size: 500
        gpttype: "ef00"
      - number: 2
        label: "root"
        size: 5000
        gpttype: "8300"
  - device: "/dev/nvmne0n1"
    wipeonreinstall: false
  - device: "/dev/nvmne0n2"
    wipeonreinstall: false

Components which requires modifications

  • metal-hammer:
    • change implementation from build in hard coded logic
    • move logic to create fstab from to metal-hammer
  • metal-api:
    • new endpoint filesystemlayouts
    • add optional spec of filesystemlayout during allocation with validation if given filesystemlayout is possible on given size.
    • add allocation.filesystemlayout in the response, based on either the specified filesystemlayout or the calculated one.
    • implement filesystemlayouts validation for:
      • matching to disks in the size
      • no overlapping with the sizes/imagefilter specified in filesystemlayouts
      • all devices specified exists from top to bottom (fs -> disks -> device || fs -> raid -> devices)
  • metalctl:
    • implement filesystemlayouts
  • metal-go:
    • adopt api changes
  • metal-images:
    • install mdadm for raid support