metalctl network create

create a network


create a network

metalctl network create [flags]


      --annotation strings            add initial annotation, must be in the form of key=value, can be given multiple times to add multiple annotations, e.g. --annotation key=value --annotation foo=bar
  -d, --description string            description of the network to create. [optional]
      --destinationprefixes strings   destination prefixes in this network.
  -h, --help                          help for create
      --id string                     id of the network to create. [optional]
  -n, --name string                   name of the network to create. [optional]
      --nat                           set nat flag of network, if set to true, traffic from this network will be natted.
  -p, --partition string              partition where this network should exist.
      --prefixes strings              prefixes in this network.
      --primary                       set primary flag of network, if set to true, this network is used to start machines there.
      --underlay                      set underlay flag of network, if set to true, this is used to transport underlay network traffic
      --vrf int                       vrf of this network
      --vrfshared                     vrf shared allows multiple networks to share a vrf

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apitoken string        api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable.
  -c, --config string          alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml).
                               Example config.yaml:
                               apitoken: "alongtoken"
      --debug                  debug output
  -f, --file string            filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin.
                               Example image update:
                               # metalctl image describe ubuntu-19.04 > ubuntu.yaml
                               # vi ubuntu.yaml
                               ## either via stdin
                               # cat ubuntu.yaml | metalctl image update -f -
                               ## or via file
                               # metalctl image update -f ubuntu.yaml
      --kubeconfig string      Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login.
      --no-headers             do not print headers of table output format (default print headers)
      --order string           order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project
  -o, --output-format string   output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table")
      --template string        output template for template output-format, go template format.
                               For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference.
                               Example for machines:
                               metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{  }}"
  -u, --url string             api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable.


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 14-Aug-2020